A crossroads in my walk with God was when I was working at the Intensive Care and Anesthesiology Unit.
I understood then that someone's life is worthy due to that part of it that originates in God. Whether Man is aware of that or not.
This truth has gone so deeply inside of me that it has formed me as a medical doctor as well as a person. All my life I have struggled with issues such as self esteem, inferiority, shame, physical appearance, weight problems. As I walked with God I understood that eating healthy food is part of respecting and honouring that godly part in me. I understood that I deserve to lose weight and not let myself get trapped in the tyranny of kilos.
That's why I started studying nutrition.
My most important question has been (and still is) - which is the right way to eat that God has meant for us since the creation of the world?
The more information I got, the more I wanted to learn and help more people to understand that respecting life means also having a healthy lifestyle. Its something that we owe to ourselves.
We have been created to respect our body, not to abuse it.
If we do that, it will thank us and function well.
And we all want that.