And telling stories in a creative way
By Daniel March
I always knew from as young as I can remember that music is what I was called to be doing; for life, for purpose. There were no ifs or buts.
The domain of arts and entertainment can often be misinterpreted, but it is a powerful platform not only to change atmospheres (even in a non Church environment) but to restore things even such a Value for women, kids, toxic masculinity etc, righteousness, freedom etc via song in a palatable way for each recipient. Subject matter.
As a bird doesn’t need to over analyse why they fly and sing, they know they’re in their purpose and glorying their Creator, God in doing so I feel the same way with myself and music, what I do glorifies God because it is what I’m created for, and my motives are always to give Him the glory before and beyond. Music came to me naturally, so it was no question that it was divine and came from a Giver, Jesus. I knew I had Grace from day one.
The thing I love most about what I do is I get to share my gift and even use it to help people further discover theirs, but also that each song I put out has the ability to touch and be interpreted in many different ways.
It is actually a good balance of faith and action: Action that I’ve done the best I can, and Faith that God will do His part and communicate to the correct ears.
Before I gave my life to Jesus in 2003, God already communicated (and still does) through His creations such as nature and music. He is an ARTIST.
Then I met Dr Jonathan David 2009 at ’The School of the Spirit’, and since then, annually, his teachings and messages on the Kingdom, domains, system high visibility maximum impact, have changed my life and the view about church + life.
I long to communicate and show God in creativity, story and music, one of His greatest gifts in this world.
Daniel March